Where can I learn more?
I think a good place to start would be w3schools as they have a lot of great coding tutorials for all sorts of languages. For website creation in particular, you should start with HTML. From there, you could choose between CSS and JS. If you're stuck, forums are a lot of help. Ones that i've found help me when I have errors are Reddit or Stack Overflow. Different people learn different ways so these may not work for everyone, but I hope it helps nonetheless! Same goes for these guides. They're all unprofessional and may not work for some.
me after typing in a professional manner so i can get a better grade seem more professional even though i'm literally the least professional creature on earth
how to make a AWESOME back button (with javascript) - 11/27/24 - Post fifteen
have you ever wanted to make a back button that ACTUALLY sends you back? maybe your current back button just sends you back to the homepage, but what if the user was somewhere else? well, you're in luck, because there's a way to send them to whatever page they were just on using javascript, and it's easy AF!! (as fish) so basically what you're gonna wanna do is use the "onclick" event and do onclick="history.back()". double check that the element your putting it on has allows the onclick event and you're done! for example, my back button up at the top looks like <a onclick="history.back()">back</a>. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay. yay.
what are buttons and stickers? (neocities lore) - 11/25/24 - Post fourteen
you may have seen buttons or stickers on other peoples sites, and wondered "erm. what the flip are those?". lets start with buttons; buttons are little pieces of code that you get from one persons site that will put a image on your site that links to their site when clicked. for example, my button is a image of a cat with the text "bobjoy" that will link to my site when you click it. stickers are similar, but instead of being made for a certain persons site, they're normally just silly images that don't link anywhere, instead just sitting there, making your website a bit more fun.
my pet fish jeremy - 11/4/24 - Post thirteen
It was the 21st of october 2024 when I was out on my 9th walk of the day. The time was like 8 or something idk it was late ANYWAYS I was out on my walk when I saw a sad little fishy lying in a puddle alone. I scooped him up and he turned his little fishy face to look up at mine, and, from that moment on, I knew I had to care for and raise this sweet little fish
I took him home and placed him in my bath. He swam around a bit before looking up at me. "Thank you for saving my life" he said in perfect english. I was blown away so I said "Wow you can speak english!" and it shook its strangely humanlike head before saying "bloop bloop". I chuckled. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked, and he nodded.
I grabbed some popcorn for us and set my mobile phone up so we could watch things. I put on It and we ate the popcorn together. All of the sudden, a beam of light fell upon me and I saw the all-seeing fish. He explained that Jeremy (my pet fish) was destined to die but that I saved him and that I was now his guardian. So yeah average monday i guess nothing too interesting
images - 10/23/24 - Post twelve
edited 10/23/24
hey bobjoygang. so this is a thing i've been avoiding for a while because i'm scared and i don't know how i'll go about explaining it. but we must do this we must lock in and create a image. anyways so what you're gonna use is the <img> tag. you don't need to close this tag meaning you can just put it and be on your way BUT. you may notice that it doesn't do anything. well my lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely friend, i will explain. (i hope you enjoy how crappy my guides are) so inside your <img> you're gonna put a thing just saying src= and then "", so it should look like <img src="">. great. now what you're gonna do is upload your image inside your neocites dashboard. if you're building your site on something else then uhh idk where you upload it sorry. anyways once you upload the image you need to link to it. the easiest way to do this is to click rename and copy it, then paste it inside the "" in your src thing. so for me my image is images/wires.jpeg so i'd put <img src="images/wires.jpeg">. yay its done isnt that awesome. if you want to change the width and height just add a width="number" height="number" inside and change the width/height to whatever you want. so my final thing is going to turn out to be <img src="images/wires.jpeg" width="175" height="175"> and it will look so epic and cool.

fish - 10/21/24 - Post eleven

titles + favicons (the images that represent your webpage in a clutter of tabs) - 10/21/24 - Post ten
hey bobjoy besties. today, i'm gonna be showing you how to add a title and favicon to your site. so what you're gonna want to do for the title is add a thing in your <head> simply saying <title> and </title>. in between those you'll add your page title. next for the favicon cmake sure you have your image somewhere and put <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.png">> and replace the favicon.png with the link to your favicon. and yeah its that easy thanks gang. remember to put all that in your <head> section.
custom cursor - 10/18/24 - Post nine
whats up gang. i just spent a long long time working on making a cool custom cursor, but it was worth it. because of this, i wanted to share how i did this so you all won't have to spend as long as i did. this guide is going to assume you have a tiny bit of coding experience, but i'll still make sure to explain it in a way you can easily understand. alright, so i used the css element "cursor". in your <style> section, put a little thing to style the body (body {}) and then inside the curly brackets your gonna put "cursor: url('') 0 0, auto". now, let's change this. the 0 0 is the offset, so you can play around with those numbers if you want. inside the "url('')" you'll link to your image. for example, you could put "cursor: url('fish.png') 0 0, auto" and it should work. the "auto" is the cursor it'll be replacing. i just put auto since it's easy but you could put "pointer" or "move" or anything like that. search up "css cursor property" to learn more cursors. that should work i hope i explained this well enough. byebye :D
head section vs body section - 10/16/24 - Post eight
hey there my bobs and joys. bobjoy here. today i will be telling you the very simple difference between your <head> section and your <body> section. your <head> section typically goes above your <body> section in the code, and it contains a lot different things. typically, the <head> section will contain things not shown directly on the webpage, such as favicons, the page title, or the link to your style.css file. you may also add a <style> section which contains your CSS code, such as fonts, divs, or backgrounds. the <body> section is what holds the things that go directly on your webpage, such as text, images, etc. thank you for reading i hope i helped.
i like cats meow meow meow - 10/9/24 - Post seven
edited 10/9/24
meow meow meow miauo meow mow meow meoow meow mrow meowir miauo miau miau meow miau mrow mroeeow meerow mrow meow meow meow miauo mrow mrrrow mrow meeeow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meowm mrrow mrrow mrrrrrow purr pur pur pu pur purrr mrow merow mwoe moe meo moew mrwo meow
whats a shrine? (neocites lore) - 10/9/24 - Post six
shrines are a cool thing on neocities that you may have seen or heard of, but been confused on what they are. shrines are simple. they're just little pages or groups of pages dedicated to a certain topic the webmaster likes. this could be a artist, game, franchise, or anything you can be interested in. they're pretty awesome and cool
paragraphs and the 6 h's. (the very basics of html) - 10/7/24 - Post five
when we're talking basics, it doesn't get much more basic than paragraphs and headers. a paragraph is simply a blob of regular old text and uses the tag <p>. if i wanted to have a blob of text that just said "bobjoy awesome" then i'd put <p>bobjoy awesome</p>. done. that's paragraphs. headers are literally the same but they're bigger than a paragraph and there's different sizes, going from 1 to 6. 1 is the biggest, 6 is the lowest. you type <h1> and then just replace the 1 with whatever number. so for a title, i'd just put <h1>title</h1> and i'd have a big header. if you want a smaller one, just make the number higher! awesome cool.
LINKS are COOL, EASY and AWESOME SAUCE. - 10/7/24 - Post four
links. links, links and more links. links are an essential part of websites, because they're used to link to other pages on your site, or to external sites. <a> is the tag used for links. now, you may be wondering, "bobjoy, this doesn't help. how do i make it link somewhere?". well i'm glad you asked. after that "a" and before that ">" you're gonna add "href="link"". now close your tag (which'll be </a>). it should look something like <a href="link"></a>. in the space between them, add your text OR image that you want to be the link. for example, let's say i want to link to my homepage. i'd write <a href="">my homepage</a>. you can put whatever you want in the spot where i put "my homepage". and done! i hope this helped. super awesome and cool.
the difference between html, js and css - 10/2/24 - Post three
hey friends. welcome to the first epic post. if you've heard the terms "html", "css", and "js" thrown around all in reference to coding, you may have wondered what they were talking about. this post aims to solve it. lets start with html. html is very basic, easy, can be thrown together fairly quickly. have you ever seen one of those weird looking webpages in that times new roman font with left text-align and stuff? that's a basic html page. now, what about css? css is what makes your pages NOT look like that. it's what you use to make your sites look all pretty and nice. very cool. now, lastly, js, also known as javascript (js is just javascript shortened), is what you use to make your sites functional and interactive. it what brings it all together. basically, you need html to have a site, css to have a pretty site and js to have a functional site. when they all come together, they can work to create something beautiful. (okay its not that deep but you know what i mean)
the start 2 - 9/27/24 - Post two
you may be wondering. bobjoy why did you make two posts in the same day. well well good question my friend that is because i need to test that my system works
the start - 9/27/24 - Post one
hey there i'm bobjoy welcome to my cool thing.